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Love is Colder than Death (LICTD) |
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Love is Colder than Death (LICTD) is the closest I have heard to Dead Can Dance. Their music is a blend of ethereal and electro-dark-wave delivered by the "heavenly voice" of Susann Heinrich on most tracks. Several songs on their first two albums are performed by Ralf Donis. But the corner stone of the group is Maik Hartung, founder of the band, guitarist and keyboardist. The first two albums, Teignmouth and Mental Traveller include each a set of 7 or 8 songs performed by Susann Heinrich, and bear a close resemblance to Lisa Gerrard's work with Dead Can Dance. The remaining songs on the album are performed by Ralf Donis and are not dissimilar to the Clan of Xymox, and Born For Bliss dark-wave style. On Oxeia -their third album-, Susann is the only vocalist. Ralf Donis and Sven Mertens are replaced by Andy Porter on Drums and Keyboards. Oxeia's more organic sounds fall in the category of Cocteau Twinsish music. In 1995, Susann and now husband Andy Porter call it quits leaving Maik with the dilemma of reforming the band. After a four year 'creative pause', LICTD re-surface with Ralf and Sven back in the line-up, along with the new female singer Manuela. Their 1999 album Atopos utilizes traditional exotic instruments from the middle-east and the far-east, deliviring modern world music very comparable to DCD's last album Spiritchaser. All of LICTD albums are strongly recommended...they're one of my highly rated discoveries.
Said Sukkarieh, Musicfolio 9/00
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "... Love is Colder than Death offers an interestingly schizophrenic experience. Many of the songs feature Susann Heinrich's well-trained, moderately-processed (often double-or-more tracked) voice singing compositions which are squarely in a madrigal mode, to harpsichord and organ accompaniment. There are also some short and moody instrumentals. The rest of the songs tend to the industrial, with lots of more modern keyboard sounds and harsh electronic beats. On the first two records, many of the "hard" songs also feature the vocals of Ralf Donis, who sounds just like that guy from Front 242."
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() On the first 7 songs of this album Maik and Susann succeed in delivering compositions worthy of Dead Can Dance in all of their splendor. The remaining 5 songs performed by Ralf Donis shift to the industrial electronic wave. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() " Oxeia is probably the easiest to listen to all the way through, since Susann is the only vocalist, which lends some continuity to the goings on, the harsh stuff isn't quite so harsh, and occasionally the whole thing integrates pretty well. As you might presume from the group's name, the sound generally favors minor keys and modes, and even when the drums are going fast, something is usually going slow enough to keep from breaking the mood of languor."
![]() ![]() ![]() " On Atopos, Love Is Colder Than Death have for the first time integrated authentic old instruments such as Tabla, Rainstick and Didgeridoo into their concept. Sensual through and through, Atopos takes the audience on a journey through the realms of beauty and originality. Still, Atopos is not a stringent concept album - each song stands as work for itself. "
2003: Eclipse just click here! to send us your review of this album 2006: Time (collection) "After fifteen years of existence, legendary German ethereal ensemble Love Is Colder Than Death are finally honoured with an extensive anthology of their innovative and groundbreaking musical career. 'Time' features 33 tracks presented in almost perfect chronological order spread across two essential compact discs. From their early phase, where they would mingle electronic sounds with ethnic and medieval elements, up to the purist World Music approach of today, the listener can witness the bands consequent artistic quest towards fulfilling their ultimate musical vision. 'Time' concludes with pieces from the groups 2003 release, "Eclipse", an indication of the direction they will be moving in on their next album, planned for release later this year. Furthermore, 'Time' includes three unreleased, exclusive tracks that makes this double album an essential document for both newcomers and long time fans of this incredible act. "
-- press release
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